There was a miscommunication with the date of Cami's surgery. Christy found out today that it will actually be tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2:00 p.m. I know that they will appreciate your prayers for Cami and also for them.
Cami is doing well and she is now up to 4 lbs. 6 ozs. YAY! They have removed the breathing tube from her nose and she is breathing well on her own. For now she is being fed through a feeding tube. She's been sucking on a pacifier and also on her own little fingers. She's gripping their fingers and also kicking around. How sweet!
Christy and Kevin are currently staying at the Ronald McDonald House. I looked the address up for anyone that might like to send them or Cami a card.
Ronald McDonald House
ATTN: Kevin and Christy Faglie (ROOM #2)
1315 Barbara Jordan Boulevard
Austin, TX 78723
(512) 472-9844
I didn't ask Christy's permission to do this and hopefully it is ok with her. For those of you that may not know, the Ronald McDonald House costs the families staying there $10 a day. While that may not seem like a lot, over an extended period of time it is. The doctors have already told them that Cami will be in the N.I.C.U. at least another month, but also told her that typically the babies stay until their due date, which is another 51 days away. If anyone feels led to and would like to make a donation toward their account, I know God would bless you for it. It would be one less worry for them during a difficult time, so that they can focus their time and energy on their sweet baby girl. The phone number is listed above along with the address if you would like to call to speak to the house manager in regards to helping them out. If you are unable to help financially, then please just keep them all in your prayers as they face this uncertain journey before them. Thank you and God bless.