Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have been blessed many times over. I have 2 beautiful children which are truly a blessing from God. I am also blessed to have great friends and am blessed that my mom has such great friends. With both Cody and Camryn we have been given so much and it is very much appreciated. My mom's friends have given us so much for our children. Cami has so many beautiful outfits and a gorgeous basket that has "must haves" in it, she also has a handmade care bear blanket like Cody's except hers is pink. Cody wasn't forgotten either- he has a great new set of pj's. The pictures of just some of what we have been given since Cami's birth. Thank you to everyone who has given to my children- it means so much to know that they are cared about by others. Someone asked what we needed for Camryn- the only thing that is a true "need" will be diapers. She will need the preemie size like Cody did for the longest time due to having such skinny legs and no butt, lol. Again, Thank you to everyone who has said a prayer for our family or given to our children. Everything is much appreciated. A huge thanks to my friend Kristy and her husband Rick for paying an entire MONTH of our stay at the Ronald McDonald house. Kevin and I appreciate everything so much. It is hard to put into words how we feel. We feel blessed to have so many people praying for our family. Someone recently told me that she felt bad that all she could do was say a prayer for us. I explained to her that we feel blessed just to have someone add us to their prayers. Again, thanks for everything- we appreciate all.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful gifts!! Isnt it nice to have some pink girley things.She will be out growing all those tiny things before you know it.Hope your having a good day!!!!
    carol n
