Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breathing Tube Out

Cami's breathing tube has been removed!! We are very excited about this update! However, she has since had to have a nasal cannula put on because she was having retractions- but the breathing tube is still out for now. Thank you for all of your prayers, I truly believe that your prayers are what saved our baby girl's life. Camryn was in the top 3 of the most critical in the PICU and now is not- she is still sick- but no longer in the top 3. Thank you again for all of your prayers and financial help. We appreciate it all very much.


  1. Praise the Lord!! She looks so good and more comfortable. Prayers still coming your way!!!!!!
    carol n

  2. Love to see these kind of updates!!!
    You go Cami !! Heal heal,
    Prayers still being sent ...

