Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Love is a very hard thing to explain. You grow up and know that you love your parents, siblings, family and friends. You love your pets and your teachers. You fall in love and have your heart broken at least once. You love a movie, you love everything at one time or another. All the while you grow up "loving Jesus" if you are lucky, you are taught to love Jesus at a young age and you grow up with him in your life. You know that you have to pray and ask forgiveness for your sins. You are taught this by many different people, or maybe no one. As an adult, you really learn what love is. You learn to love a beautiful day, a child's smile, a child's laugh, your spouse's caress, your parent's kind words, the words of a stranger, the laugh of a friend, the love and devotion of your pets. I try each day to find love in my life. I have to say it is easier when you have a child or are pregnant because you have a little one reminding you all the time what love is about. I love my Bug, I love his movements, his kicks, his stretches, I just love him. He is a ray of sunshine every day. I love my pets, each and every one of them. They bring me joy daily. I love my house and property. I love my husband, without him my life would not be the same. I am very blessed to have the love of my family and I love them in return. So, be thankful the the love in your life, unfortunately there are many who do not know love at all.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Love is such an important concept to learn and enjoy. :o)
