Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dr Appointment Today

Had a wonderful Ob appointment this morning. Had an ultrasound & non-stress test. I got to see bug practicing his breathing, got to see his private parts again. (nice to know he hasn't switched genders on me,lol) He is doing wonderful and the amniotic fluid is perfect as well. No weight check on him this week, but I have gained 1 pound since last week. I got the best u/s picture ever. You can actually see his little face up close and personal and it is wonderful! My sister swears he looks like me, we shall see. I am scheduled to be induced on Friday June 26th **YAY** I go into the hospital the evening before to get some stuff put on my cervix to "ripen" it and also to get off of my heparin. So, as of Thursday 6/25 I will check into the hospital and be induced the next morning. The best part? My ob is on call that weekend, so if Mr Cody decides not to come until after hours, my ob will still deliver him. Since I have the virus on my computer at home, I cannot upload the u/s picture (do not have a scanner at work) So, as soon as I can get the virus taken care of, I will post the best u/s picture yet. My baby shower is on June 6th, Charity's Birthday is June 13th, my birthday June 18th then bug's induce date is June 26th. So, June will be a busy month for me.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad everything looks perfect!!
    Make sure you let the doctor know if that cervedal makes you contract really bad & daughter had it and they had to take it out. Is Cody heading out the right way now?
    Can't wait to see his Ultasound...Exciting!!!
